Q: Can I purchase products directly from you?

A: Unfortunately not, we are a wholesaler/manufacturer and all of the products on the website are available to purchase from our network of retailers.

Q: How long does it take to resolve a warranty issue?

A: Your retailer will be able to advise at the time of return as this does depend on the nature of the issue.

Q: What do I do if my product develops a fault within the warranty period?

A: You will need to return the item along with proof of purchase back to your retailer who will process the claim for you.

Q: What kind of warranty do you offer on your products?

A: All of our products come as standard with a one year guarantee against manufacturing defects.

Q: What if my local store does not have the product I want in stock?

A: No problem, they are able order the item from GoGravel for delivery usually within 48-72 hours.

Q: Who do I contact if I need any spare parts?

A: Your local retailer is able to order spare and replacement parts for you.

Q: How can I find my local retailer?

A: You can find information on your local retailers by clicking on the “Dealers” menu link at the top of the page. 

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